Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I've got an itch!

Right now we are doing are project in my 2D design class that is... scratch art!! I am really excited for this project because I have never used scratch art (for an actual project). This scratch art project is also why I put my title as 'I've got an itch', because I can't wait to begin scratching, haha. I LOVE using new mediums because I always suck the first time but I find out if I like it or not and normally I love it! I also just used oil paints for my first time ever and I like them as well. I don't know why but I just love using new mediums. I love experimenting and learning new things. I just love to learn! "Write how it is going to be amazing and I am going to be proud of you" -Mrs. Martin (referring to my scratch art)... I better do a good job. I like my idea, it of course involves a person. I don't know why but people just fascinate me. Also - to ramble a little more - you guys need to learn how to spell! I know i make errors on my blogs as well but we were just discussing how some people cannot spell and Mrs. Martin told me to write my blog about that after I had already started... so... I don't know. First lesson in spelling: there is a MAJOR difference in 'your' and 'you're', also, there is a major difference in 'there' and 'their'. Those are just two small things to remember. THERE you go!


  1. That is exciting that you get to learn something new. I took 2d art sophomore year and I don't remember doing scratch art, but I have always wanted to. So if you like it let me know and I will have to try it.

  2. Scratch art sound interesting I might try it

  3. i have never done scratch art and i think i'm going to see if i can try it sometime.

    it sounds awesome

  4. Emily I think scratch board art is really amazing. I tried it on that feildtrip and it was awesome. Drawing the light instead of the dark gives you such a different feel to it.. And you will see a total change in your work! You will be great at it!

