Monday, January 24, 2011

Who Cares?

Honestly... who cares. I hate when people make such little things a huge deal. These artists created this ark work, now let it be. If you do not like it, then get over it.
That's a little harsh, haha, but I do not know how else to say it. Personally, I like these pieces. To me, these pieces are not "too controversial" whatsoever. I do not really know what else to say.
To respond to Mrs. Martin, I like the piece be Damien Hirst as well. I think that it is so awesome, but I would not use it as an island as my kitchen. That may be a little over the top :)
I just think that these five pieces are simply art. If the artist intentionally makes it controversial, then just let them do so. If you really do not like it so much then ignore it, don't look at it. In my own opinion I don't even see them as very controversial at all... but who knows. Maybe I am wrong!


  1. I personally dont think you are wrong, but this is my opinion.. Someone out there..right now... is thinking the exact opposite of you. People will love your thoughts..people will hate your thoughts... I personally more attracted to works of art that have great skill and talent in them.. while some people could care less about what they are seeing, but what they are thinking about when they see the piece. The options of preference are endless and that is the art world of the future in a nutshell.

  2. Emily I completely agree with you. I mean who really cares. It's someone's art. It's their finished work. We could suggest by why critique something that the artist doesn't want critiqued. I will stand by you Emily with just letting the artist, and their work be. It's just that if they think it's a big deal oh wow. One shark out of the millions that can be repopulated in how little time?

  3. I agree with you. If someone doesn't like the art then just forget about it. No one is telling them you have to but this piece and set it in your house where you see it everyday. So honestly they have no right to be making a huge deal about it.
