Monday, January 31, 2011

beautiful you.

There are so many things to write about for a free blog, how am I supposed to choose?! I was going to write about music, which I have written about before, but then I decided to write about something different... Recently I changed my idea for my concentration in AP. I was not getting anything done, and I was not inspired. My inspiration was basically emotions through nature. I love trees and flowers and how nature can be so beautiful at any given time, yet I came to realize this was not what I wanted to put into a portfolio, it was not right for me. I decided to change my concentration topic to focusing more on people - emotions through people. I want to show ways in how people express themselves and really just to show through my artwork how beautiful these emotions and feelings can be. For some reason I am fascinated with people - I don't care for science, not anything like biology or anatomy or anything - I just feel like there is something so beautiful about people. The way we interact, the way we move, even more simply how our hair falls into place, and how our eyes show so much more than we even mean for them to. I like how not only our faces show what we are feeling, but almost any part of our body can carry that feeling through in a photograph. I think that everyone is beautiful in some way, even though today in society being stick thin and looking a certain way is the only beauty. I do not agree with that, I think that sometimes you have to look a little harder for beauty, and we all know beauty is way more than the outer appearance. Everyone needs to know that they are beautiful in some way, and I am so excited to portray people through my artwork. I think a personality that is beautiful takes you so much further than looks.

"All little girls should be told they are pretty, even if they aren't."
— Marilyn Monroe

Monday, January 24, 2011

Who Cares?

Honestly... who cares. I hate when people make such little things a huge deal. These artists created this ark work, now let it be. If you do not like it, then get over it.
That's a little harsh, haha, but I do not know how else to say it. Personally, I like these pieces. To me, these pieces are not "too controversial" whatsoever. I do not really know what else to say.
To respond to Mrs. Martin, I like the piece be Damien Hirst as well. I think that it is so awesome, but I would not use it as an island as my kitchen. That may be a little over the top :)
I just think that these five pieces are simply art. If the artist intentionally makes it controversial, then just let them do so. If you really do not like it so much then ignore it, don't look at it. In my own opinion I don't even see them as very controversial at all... but who knows. Maybe I am wrong!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

alright, new semester.

1.) How many breadth pieces and how many concentration pieces do you have?
2.) What is your biggest weakest that needs to be worked on right now?
3.) What is your best memory from 1st semester - story, project, daily event?
4.) What have you learned about yourself and artwork up to this point?
5.) How can I push you to improve? What do you expect from me?

1. Um... am I supposed to know this? Ha. I really do not know. I know that I completed all of the breadth pieces, so however many there were I guess. Like... four or five? Being in a different class was definitely a disadvantage. I did not do any of the sketch book things they did or whatever. In fact, I don't even know what they did! Concentrations - I would probably say I have around ten? This is a terrible answer, I apologize.
2. Completing projects. I always come up with wonderful ideas in my mind that I get so excited about but you're lucky if I even get it down on paper. Sometimes I will get it down on paper, but I cannot seem to finish things :( I think this is mainly because I am for sure my own worst critic and I get very frustrated with my work. I need to learn to finish projects, because a majority of the time when I finish it I end up liking it much more than I do half way through!
3. Hmmm... my best memory... my best memory, oddly enough, is probably my first breadth project. This was the still life we did that seemed to take FOREVER, even though it really was not all that long for a still life. I learned that I actually liked still life's and that I am pretty good at them as well! Plus, it was a project that I completely finished, and like I said - that can be hard for me! I also just like still life's sometimes because I like how you can see the progression always happening before your eyes. There is more-so an end in sight with these kind of projects compared to others because you are drawing what is in front of you. I like the freedom of concentration pieces, but I think that having the endless ideas and thoughts in my head just overwhelms me sometimes! So, I liked this project :)
4. I think that I have learned that I actually am a good artist! I have always known that it is okay to have different styles and be good at different things than others, but I feel like I really realized this from this year. I learned that I cannot finish things easily, but I also learned that I love the feeling of completing a project, but that seems to be uncommon for me. I always feel like I could do something more, but sometimes less is more. I like simplicity, I think the simplest things can be the most beautiful! I also learned that this is something I always want to continue throughout my life in some way, and I am so glad it has shown me that  because college is right around the corner.
5. Honestly I think that the one thing that will encourage me is just a little help here and there. Sometimes I just get writer's block only in art form. I am also very forgetful, so I think helpful reminders will help me remember due dates and whatever else, plus, it will also put in my mind that I need to put aside time for my art.

I am excited for the new semester, I plan on completing more work and just focusing more time on myself and my art work!